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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting
March 11, 2008, 6:30 p.m.
31 Pecks Lane, Newtown, Connecticut

Commissioners Present: Hovious, Barkman, Ferguson, Wright (via phone), Cramer and Kaley.
Staff Present: Rob Sibley, Deputy Director and Tammy Hazen, Clerk

Executive session to discuss potential purchases of properties convened at 5:30 p.m. and adjourned at 6:20 p.m.

The public meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.

Commissioner Hovious added to the agenda a referral from Planning & Zoning on Hattertown, LLC.

I.      Public Participation

No members of the public participated.

II.     Minutes

Minutes of February 26, 2008.  Commissioner Barkman motioned to approve minutes.  Seconded by Commissioner Kaley.  Motion carried unanimously.

III.    Old Business

1.      Action on Recommendation to Planning & Zoning to Clarify Open Space Definition.

        Item tabled.

2.      Open Space at Commerce Road Draft Presentation Update.

a.      Draft Presentation Update:  Commissioner Barkman presented the draft Powerpoint presentation to the commissioners for their comments.  The commissioners provided feedback.
b.      Recent Events:  Commissioner Hovious discussed the recent removal of funding from the Capital Improvement Plan for the Tech Park.  Mr. Sibley stated there still has been no response from the Economic Development Commission and a report about the stability of the slope has not been received.

3.      Implementation of 2007-2008 Budget.

a.      Surveying:  Mr. Sibley stated that the surveyors have completed surveying the Great Ring and a portion of the Purdy Station properties.  They have finished the property along Taunton Lake and have started work on the Laurel Trail property and on the Southard/Gallo properties recently purchased.  Some of the surveying funding is being used to buy new markers.  
b.      Training:  Commissioner Hovious suggested Excel training classes for the commissioners. Mr. Sibley said there is money in the budget.

4.      Care and Custody of Open Space.

Commissioner Hovious discussed conversations with the Newtown Forest Association in linking their property with the town’s open space and working together on setting up procedures for care and custody.  Commissioners Hovious and Kaley have been working with the Tax Assessor to collect an itemized list of open space.

5.      Loveland and Southard Property Purchases.

Southard is officially town property.   Mr. Sibley stated that papers were signed for the Loveland property and the next step is getting the Housatonic Grant.  Commissioner Hovious was invited to the Monroe Conservation Commission meeting on March 6th.  Monroe has a piece of open space on the opposite side of the river and they are interested in working on a joint project to create trails and build a pedestrian footbridge.  It was noted that Monroe and Newtown properties are not directly across from each other and that there is a piece of property on Monroe’s side, owned by Monroe Septic, that could connect the properties.  Monroe’s Conservation Commission will be seeking access from the owners of Monroe Septic.  Monroe’s commission said that a good amount of land on their side of the river is environmentally protected.  Communication with Monroe will continue.   

IV.     New Business

1.      Request for Commission Approval for Grazing on Wasserman Property.

Commissioner Hovious discussed a request from Julia Wasserman in regards to maintenance work and farming activities on the easement.  Maintenance work includes activities such as the removal of invasive plants and the removal of deposited road sand.  She also wants to continue to farm her Christmas Trees, grazing her goats or other suitable farm animals and maintaining existing structures (stone walls, fences, gates and sheds).  Commissioner Wright asked if there was a water source on the easement where the animals would be grazing.  Mr. Sibley said that the animals’ main water source is on the barn that is off the easement.  When Christmas trees are cut, new ones will be planted.  It was confirmed that nothing new is being added and that the activities are only for Ms. Wasserman’s use.

Commissioner Ferguson moved that the property can be used for farming activities for Ms. Wasserman.  Seconded by Commissioner Barkman.  Motion carried unanimously.

2.      Ferris Farm Trail.

The commissioners discussed Shirley Ferris’ concern over town liability insurance on the easement.  She was given contact information for the agency handling the Town’s insurance.  The commissioners also discussed fencing on the easement.  The state grant requires that a fence be installed to separate the trail from the farm animals on the Ferris property.  The commissioners discussed various styles and cost of fencing, taking into consideration safety and aesthetic value.

3.      P & Z Referral.

Commissioner Hovious proposed a site walk on the Hattertown, LLC property, as referred by Planning & Zoning, tentatively set for Friday, March 21st at 8:30 a.m.

4.      Conservation Commission Charter Presentation.

Commissioner Barkman showed the Commission’s Charter presentation to the commissioners.  

5.      Stonewall Preservation Specialist.

Mr. Sibley stated that Katja Pieragostini, Commissioner on the Inland Wetlands Commission, is in contact with a specialist in stone wall preservation who will present information to Planning & Zoning, Conservation and the Inland Wetlands Commissions.

Commissioner Barkman motioned to adjourn at 8:15 p.m.  Seconded by Commissioner Cramer.  Motion carried unanimously.